Map/West Virginia/Fairmont

Fairmont personalized incentives

total potential incentives/rebates $37,130

Disclaimer: Incentives are estimates and the customer will need to verify eligibility.

incentives & rebates

potential incentives/rebates in your city

Savings category Action Amount
ENERGY $7100
TRANSPORTATION Car Dealers $7500
ENERGY Appliances & Repair $840
ENERGY Water Heater $3750
ENERGY Plumbing $840
TRANSPORTATION Electrician $7100

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residential energy savings


Fairmont, WV, located in Marion County, is known as the "Friendly City". Founded in 1820, it has a rich coal mining heritage and is the birthplace of the West Virginia Pepperoni Roll. The city hosts annual events like the Three Rivers Festival and the Feast of the Seven Fishes. Fairmont State University contributes to its educational landscape. The Monongahela River provides scenic beauty and recreational activities. Its population is approximately 18,500.

incentives available in Fairmont for...
energy icon


Fairmont, WV, has made strides in energy efficiency through the adoption of LED street lighting throughout the city, significantly reducing municipal energy consumption. Residential and commercial buildings are incentivized to upgrade to energy-efficient appliances, including HVAC systems, which have benefited from local utility rebate programs. The community has embraced a robust solar panel program, with several local businesses and homes showcasing rooftop installations, contributing to a decrease in reliance on fossil fuels. Fairmont's energy mix is further augmented by nearby wind energy farms, which supplement the grid with renewable power. The city's commitment to green energy is evidenced by its participation in national programs aimed at reducing carbon footprints in small municipalities. Additionally, public facilities have undertaken retrofits for better insulation, promoting reduced heating and cooling energy needs. Local educational campaigns focus on energy conservation, encouraging citizens to adopt practices such as unplugging idle electronics and optimizing home energy management systems.

energy icon


Water conservation in Fairmont is a priority, with the city investing in modernizing its water treatment facilities to reduce leakage and improve efficiency. The use of smart metering technology helps detect leaks promptly, ensuring rapid response and repair. Incentives are in place for residential rain barrel use and xeriscaping with native plants to reduce outdoor water consumption. A tiered water pricing structure encourages households to conserve water, rewarding lower usage with reduced rates. Education programs in schools and public workshops highlight the importance of water conservation and provide tips on reducing household water use. The wastewater treatment plant utilizes advanced biofiltration technology to ensure that returned water meets high quality standards, protecting the Monongahela River ecosystem. Additionally, the city has embarked on stream restoration projects to enhance the natural absorption of rainwater, reducing stormwater runoff and promoting groundwater recharge.

energy icon


Transportation efficiency in Fairmont benefits from the city's compact urban design, which facilitates walking and cycling. The development of bike lanes and shared-use paths has been part of a broader initiative to promote alternative modes of transportation. Public transit in Fairmont has seen fleet upgrades to include low-emission buses, making public transport a greener option for residents. The city operates a demand-response transit service, ensuring that even areas with lower population density have access to public transportation. Fairmont has implemented a car-sharing program and strategically placed electric vehicle charging stations to accommodate the increasing number of electric cars. A 'Complete Streets' policy is in place to ensure that new road developments cater to all users, including pedestrians and cyclists. The city also hosts regular events such as 'Car-Free Days' to raise awareness of the environmental and health benefits of reducing reliance on personal vehicles.

energy icon


Waste management in Fairmont has seen considerable improvements with the implementation of a comprehensive recycling program that accepts paper, plastics, metals, and glass, reducing the overall waste sent to landfills. The city has successfully promoted the use of composting bins, allowing residents to turn organic waste into valuable soil amendments for community gardens and home use. Special collection events for electronic waste ensure environmentally responsible disposal of e-waste. A hazardous waste disposal program operates periodically to safely process items such as batteries, paint, and chemicals. The 'Zero Waste Fairmont' initiative encourages businesses to minimize packaging and single-use products. Furthermore, the city has established partnerships with local organizations to repurpose materials for arts and crafts, which not only diverts waste but also supports the community's cultural activities. The local government continues to invest in updated waste collection vehicles, which are more fuel-efficient and emit fewer pollutants.