Map/New York/Elmont

Elmont personalized incentives

total potential incentives/rebates $46,606

Disclaimer: Incentives are estimates and the customer will need to verify eligibility.

incentives & rebates

potential incentives/rebates in your city

Savings category Action Amount
TRANSPORTATION Car Dealers $7500
ENERGY Appliances & Repair $50
ENERGY Plumbing $840
ENERGY Plumbing $50
ENERGY Electrician $3105
ENERGY Door and Window $1
ENERGY $7100
ENERGY Appliances & Repair $50
ENERGY Appliances & Repair $840
ENERGY Water Heater $5550
TRANSPORTATION Electrician $7100
ENERGY Pool & Hot Tub Service $1000

city facts

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residential energy savings


Elmont, NY, is a suburban hamlet in Nassau County, Long Island, known for Belmont Park, home to the prestigious Belmont Stakes horse race. As of the 2020 census, Elmont has a diverse population of over 36,000 residents. The community boasts a strong educational system with a high school graduation rate surpassing the national average. Elmont is on the cusp of further development with projects like the UBS Arena at Belmont Park, which aims to revitalize the area with new entertainment and sports events. Despite being densely populated, Elmont maintains a close-knit community feel with numerous parks and recreational facilities that contribute to its family-friendly atmosphere.

incentives available in Elmont for...
energy icon


Elmont, NY, continually strives towards energy efficiency through various programs and initiatives. Neighborhoods are increasingly adopting LED street lighting, reducing municipal energy consumption significantly. Many residents have taken advantage of state incentives for installing solar panels, tapping into New York's 'NY-Sun' program, promoting clean energy. Energy audits are frequently conducted in local buildings, incentivizing retrofits for improved energy performance. The community benefits from a local push towards smart thermostats, which helps regulate energy use more effectively in homes. New construction projects in Elmont often adhere to higher energy standards, incorporating sustainable materials and technologies. Local businesses are encouraged to participate in energy-saving programs, potentially qualifying for rebates. There's also a move toward energy aggregation programs aimed at securing lower energy rates for residents while promoting green energy sources.

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Water efficiency in Elmont is a top priority, with ongoing efforts to reduce consumption and preserve this vital resource. The introduction of low-flow fixtures in public buildings contributes to significant water savings. Water-wise landscaping is encouraged among residents, with conservation workshops and rebate programs available for those who adopt xeriscaping. Leak detection programs help quickly address water waste in the community's infrastructure. Rain barrel distribution events incentivize residents to collect rainwater for irrigation, further reducing the demand for treated water. Smart irrigation systems are becoming more prevalent in public spaces and homes, allowing for efficient watering based on weather conditions. Additionally, educational campaigns about the importance of water conservation are conducted in schools and community centers.

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Transportation efficiency in Elmont is constantly evolving, with multiple initiatives aimed at reducing congestion and emissions. The introduction of additional bike lanes and shared paths promotes cycling as a viable and eco-friendly commuting option. Carpooling is actively encouraged through local programs, leveraging high-occupancy vehicle lanes on nearby highways. Public transportation use is supported through improvements in the reliability and frequency of bus services. Efforts have been made to integrate electric vehicle charging stations throughout the town, providing infrastructure for the growing number of EV owners. Local authorities have also worked on optimizing traffic signal timings to improve flow and reduce idling. A shift towards telecommuting policies, where feasible, has additionally served to alleviate the transportation carbon footprint.

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Elmont shows a robust commitment to waste efficiency, highlighted by the community's comprehensive recycling program. The town has implemented single-stream recycling, simplifying the process and increasing participation. Electronic waste recycling events are periodically organized to properly dispose of hazardous waste. Yard waste is collected seasonally, promoting composting and reuse within the community. Local businesses are part of a waste reduction initiative, with food establishments encouraged to minimize food waste through donation programs. Elmont residents are incentivized to participate in 'zero-waste' challenges, fostering awareness and reducing landfill contributions. The town's waste management policies emphasize reducing, reusing, and recycling, with educational programs in schools supporting these values early on.