
Cupertino personalized incentives

total potential incentives/rebates $45,765

Disclaimer: Incentives are estimates and the customer will need to verify eligibility.

incentives & rebates

potential incentives/rebates in your city

Savings category Action Amount
ENERGY Water Heater $7950
ENERGY Plumbing $840
TRANSPORTATION Electrician $7100
ENERGY Pool & Hot Tub Service $100
ENERGY Electrician $200
ENERGY $7100
TRANSPORTATION Car Dealers $11500
ENERGY Appliances & Repair $840

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residential energy savings


Cupertino, CA, known as the heart of Silicon Valley, is the headquarters of Apple Inc. Boasting a diverse population of over 60,000, it offers top-rated schools and a high quality of life. The city is recognized for its innovation, lush parks, and cultural events.

incentives available in Cupertino for...
energy icon


Cupertino, CA, has shown significant strides in enhancing its energy efficiency through a combination of municipal policies and community initiatives. The city has adopted renewable energy sources to reduce its carbon footprint. Solar installations are prominent in residential and commercial buildings, facilitated by local incentives for clean energy adoption. Cupertino has also invested in energy-efficient infrastructure, including LED streetlights and energy-saving appliances in public facilities. The city's partnership with energy providers offers residents access to energy audit programs, promoting energy conservation and helping in identifying areas for improvement. Cupertino's commitment to green building standards is evident in its new constructions, which are required to meet high environmental performance criteria. The city's participation in regional energy programs underscores its dedication to sustainability and efforts to exceed California's already stringent energy efficiency benchmarks.

energy icon


Cupertino's water efficiency measures are proactive and serve as a model for sustainable water use in the face of California's frequent droughts. The city has implemented a comprehensive water conservation program that includes rebates for water-efficient appliances and fixtures. Landscape irrigation is regulated to minimize water waste, and residents are encouraged to adopt drought-resistant native plants in their gardens. The city has invested in infrastructure to reduce water loss, such as repairing leaks in the public water system promptly. Cupertino's water management strategy also includes education programs in schools and the community to foster a culture of water stewardship. Rainwater harvesting practices are supported through incentives and resources provided to homeowners. The city's efforts to protect local watersheds and maintain water quality are evident through regular monitoring and environmentally friendly stormwater management practices.

energy icon


Transportation efficiency in Cupertino is a growing focus, with the city investing in sustainable transit solutions. Cupertino promotes alternative transportation modes, such as cycling and walking, by developing an extensive network of bike lanes and pedestrian paths. The city has also implemented traffic management systems to improve flow and reduce congestion, thereby lowering transportation-related emissions. Public transportation is encouraged, with support for regional transit services and integration of local shuttle services. Electric vehicle (EV) adoption is strongly supported, with the city expanding its network of EV charging stations and offering incentives for residents and businesses to switch to EVs. Cupertino's Safe Routes to School Program aims to increase the number of students walking and biking to school, thus reducing vehicular traffic during peak hours. The city's transportation policies prioritize reducing reliance on single-occupancy vehicles and promoting a shift toward more sustainable, efficient, and eco-friendly modes of transportation.

energy icon


Waste management in Cupertino is characterized by a robust recycling and composting program, aiming to drastically reduce landfill waste. Cupertino has set ambitious goals for waste diversion and has implemented a comprehensive curbside recycling program that accepts a wide variety of materials. Residents and businesses are encouraged to separate organic waste for composting, with the city providing the necessary bins and education on proper sorting. Cupertino has also focused on reducing electronic waste by hosting collection events and supporting take-back programs. Efforts to minimize single-use plastics are ongoing, with local policies endorsing reusable materials. The city's waste reduction initiatives are complemented by public outreach and education campaigns aimed at increasing community participation in sustainable waste practices. Zero-waste events and the promotion of a circular economy are central to Cupertino's waste reduction strategy.