
Cotati personalized incentives

total potential incentives/rebates $41,815

Disclaimer: Incentives are estimates and the customer will need to verify eligibility.

incentives & rebates

potential incentives/rebates in your city

Savings category Action Amount
ENERGY $7100
TRANSPORTATION Car Dealers $11550
ENERGY Appliances & Repair $840
ENERGY Water Heater $4250
ENERGY Plumbing $840
TRANSPORTATION Electrician $7100

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residential energy savings


Cotati, CA, is a small city in Sonoma County with a unique hexagonal downtown plaza, known for its vibrant community and yearly music festivals. Renowned as a culturally diverse and historic area, Cotati boasts a strong sense of local pride and a commitment to preserving its charming character.

incentives available in Cotati for...
energy icon


Cotati, California, has embraced a proactive approach towards energy efficiency through rigorous building standards, solar initiatives, and community education. The city has adopted the CALGreen code, ensuring that all new construction meets stringent energy-saving requirements. Local government incentivizes property owners to install solar panels with ease of permitting and potential tax benefits. A significant number of households and businesses have transitioned to solar power, contributing to a reduction in the city's carbon footprint and reliance on non-renewable energy resources. The city also supports the Sonoma Clean Power program, which allows residents to opt for cleaner electricity sources. Energy efficiency rebate programs encourage homeowners to upgrade to more efficient appliances and HVAC systems. Cotati's commitment to energy efficiency is reflected in its support for community-wide efforts to educate citizens on reducing energy consumption and promoting sustainable practices.

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Cotati is committed to water efficiency and sustainable water management practices. The city encourages the use of drought-resistant landscaping and provides resources for residents to adopt xeriscaping practices. The Rainwater Catchment and Graywater Reuse programs promote the collection of rainwater and reuse of graywater for landscaping, thus reducing the demand on the municipal water supply. Rebate programs are available for installing high-efficiency toilets and fixtures, as well as for lawn replacement with drought-tolerant plants. The city works in collaboration with the Sonoma County Water Agency to ensure water conservation measures are in place, especially during times of drought. Water usage is closely monitored, and smart metering systems are being introduced to provide homeowners with real-time consumption data, allowing for more effective water management. Educational outreach campaigns highlight the importance of water conservation and provide tips for reducing water usage at home and in businesses.

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Transportation efficiency in Cotati is characterized by a focus on reducing vehicle emissions and promoting alternative modes of transport. The city has invested in infrastructure to support cycling, including bike lanes and secure bike storage facilities, making biking a safer and more attractive option for residents. Public transportation is promoted through the operation of efficient bus services that connect Cotati to surrounding areas, and efforts are made to enhance the convenience and reliability of these services. Carpooling is encouraged, with incentives such as designated parking spaces for carpool vehicles. Electric vehicle charging stations have been installed in public areas to support the transition to electric vehicles (EVs), with plans to increase the number of stations. The city's Sustainable Transportation Plan emphasizes the development of walkable neighborhoods with easy access to essential services and public transit, reducing the need for car dependency. Through these measures, Cotati aims to reduce traffic congestion, improve air quality, and offer residents and visitors a variety of transportation choices.

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Cotati has implemented comprehensive waste management initiatives designed to minimize waste generation and maximize recycling and composting. The Zero Waste Program aims to divert waste from landfills through extensive recycling services and a robust curbside composting program. The city's waste hauler provides residents with clear guidelines for recycling and composting, and there are regular community waste audits to ensure proper sorting. Electronic waste recycling events and hazardous waste drop-off days are organized periodically to safely dispose of these materials. Businesses in the city are encouraged to participate in waste reduction programs, and the city closely monitors commercial waste management practices to ensure compliance with state mandates. Educational outreach programs are in place to inform residents and businesses about the importance of reducing waste and proper disposal methods.