Map/Michigan/Commerce Township

Commerce Township personalized incentives

total potential incentives/rebates $42,290

Disclaimer: Incentives are estimates and the customer will need to verify eligibility.

incentives & rebates

potential incentives/rebates in your city

Savings category Action Amount
TRANSPORTATION Car Dealers $7500
ENERGY Plumbing $840
ENERGY Plumbing $150
ENERGY Electrician $645
ENERGY Door and Window $15
ENERGY $7100
ENERGY Appliances & Repair $840
ENERGY Water Heater $3750
TRANSPORTATION Electrician $7100
ENERGY Pool & Hot Tub Service $400

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Commerce Township

Commerce Township, MI, is a suburban community in Oakland County, known for its family-friendly atmosphere and natural spaces. It boasts an extensive park system, scenic lakes, and a strong local economy, with a population of over 40,000 residents. The township values education and is served by several school districts, including the Walled Lake Consolidated District. Commerce Township is also recognized for its balance between residential areas and commercial developments, providing a high quality of life for its inhabitants.

incentives available in Commerce Township for...
energy icon


Commerce Township, Michigan, has been implementing various initiatives to improve energy efficiency within the community. Residential and commercial sectors are encouraged to participate in energy-saving programs, such as adopting LED lighting and high-efficiency HVAC systems, which are supported by local utilities offering rebates and incentives. The township has seen a growing interest in renewable energy installations, particularly solar panel systems, boosted by state-level net metering policies and federal tax credits. Energy audits have become more commonplace, helping property owners identify areas for improvement. The community is also exploring smart grid technologies to optimize electricity use and reduce peak demand. Public buildings have set an example by integrating energy management systems to monitor and control energy consumption. Efforts to educate the public on energy conservation practices have been facilitated through community workshops and school programs. Additionally, the township's commitment to tree planting and maintenance not only enhances aesthetic appeal but also contributes to energy conservation by providing natural cooling and reducing the urban heat island effect.

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Commerce Township's approach to water efficiency is centered around protecting its abundant water resources, including lakes and streams, through careful management and conservation initiatives. The township's water treatment facilities have been upgraded to ensure high-quality drinking water and efficient treatment processes. There is a strong push for the implementation of low-impact development practices, such as rain gardens and permeable pavements, to manage stormwater runoff and protect water quality. Residents are encouraged to use water-saving fixtures and appliances, with some incentives offered for those who upgrade. The township has an active leak detection program to reduce water loss in the municipal supply system. Educational programs focusing on the importance of water conservation are provided in schools and community centers. Furthermore, local ordinances have been put in place to regulate fertilizer use and promote shoreline restoration projects, which help maintain the health of the township's water bodies. Lake management programs are also in effect to monitor and control invasive species and ensure the ecological balance of aquatic environments.

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Commerce Township is invested in improving transportation efficiency within the township to reduce congestion and environmental impact. The introduction of traffic flow management technologies has helped to decrease travel times and emissions from idling vehicles. Efforts are underway to expand and connect pathways and bicycle lanes, providing more opportunities for non-motorized transportation and encouraging residents to adopt healthier commuting habits. There has been a push for the use of cleaner-fuel public transportation options, with initiatives in place to incorporate hybrid or electric buses into the local fleet. The township also supports ride-sharing programs and has seen a growth in the use of carpooling among residents. Plans are being developed for a more comprehensive and efficient public transit system that accommodates the needs of all residents, including those with disabilities. To address the challenges of last-mile connectivity, the community is exploring innovative solutions such as on-demand shuttle services. These transportation initiatives are complemented by public awareness campaigns on the benefits of reduced car dependence.

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Commerce Township has been actively engaged in enhancing its waste management and recycling programs to minimize landfill use and promote sustainability. The township has a comprehensive curbside recycling service that accepts a wide range of materials, including plastics, paper, metal, and glass, encouraging residents to recycle more effectively. There has been a concerted effort to educate the community on proper recycling practices to reduce contamination rates in recyclable materials. To tackle organic waste, the township promotes composting, with some local initiatives providing compost bins and educational resources to residents. Special waste collection events are held for the safe disposal of hazardous household waste like electronics, batteries, and chemicals. The township has also established partnerships with local businesses to encourage the adoption of waste reduction practices and the diversion of materials like cardboard and pallets from the waste stream. Moreover, the introduction of single-stream recycling has simplified the process for residents, leading to increased participation rates.