
Cloverport personalized incentives

total potential incentives/rebates $37,130

Disclaimer: Incentives are estimates and the customer will need to verify eligibility.

incentives & rebates

potential incentives/rebates in your city

Savings category Action Amount
ENERGY $7100
TRANSPORTATION Car Dealers $7500
ENERGY Appliances & Repair $840
ENERGY Water Heater $3750
ENERGY Plumbing $840
TRANSPORTATION Electrician $7100

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residential energy savings


Cloverport, KY, a charming city nestled along the Ohio River in Breckinridge County, holds a rich history of river commerce. Known for its annual events like the Cloverport Heritage Festival and picturesque river walks, this close-knit community maintains a legacy of agriculture and local craftsmanship. Founded in 1808 and incorporated in 1860, Cloverport thrives on its small-town appeal, attracting those who appreciate a slower-paced lifestyle amidst the natural beauty of Kentucky.

incentives available in Cloverport for...
energy icon


Cloverport, KY, has made significant strides in energy efficiency. The city has implemented solar panel installations on municipal buildings, resulting in decreased dependency on non-renewable energy sources. Residents have been incentivized to adopt energy-efficient appliances through rebate programs. The local government has also invested in LED streetlight conversions, reducing energy consumption and costs. The Cloverport Energy Efficiency Initiative encourages homeowners to conduct energy audits, providing subsidies for insulation improvements. Additionally, a community solar program allows residents to benefit from solar energy without installing panels on their properties. The local energy co-op has introduced tiered pricing to encourage off-peak usage. Educational programs in schools promote awareness of energy conservation. However, the industrial sector still relies heavily on conventional energy sources, indicating room for improvement. The city is exploring wind energy potentials, but this is in the early stages of development.

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Cloverport, KY, has prioritized water efficiency amidst growing environmental concerns. The city has upgraded its water treatment plant, enhancing the quality and reducing water losses during treatment and distribution. A leak detection and repair program has been successful in minimizing water waste across the distribution network. Rebates are offered to residents who install water-efficient fixtures, such as low-flow toilets and showerheads. Rain barrel distribution and rain garden initiatives support stormwater management and the reuse of rainwater. Agricultural practices in the surrounding areas have been encouraged to use drip irrigation to conserve water. A water conservation education program is in place, targeting schools and community organizations. While residential water use is declining, industrial water consumption remains high, indicating an area for targeted efficiency measures. The city plans to assess the viability of gray water systems for non-potable uses in the coming years.

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Transportation efficiency in Cloverport, KY, has seen progressive developments. The introduction of a bike-sharing program promotes cycling as a green alternative to driving. Local public transportation has been upgraded with the addition of hybrid buses to the fleet, reducing emissions and improving fuel economy. Safe pedestrian pathways and interconnected bike lanes have been developed to enhance non-motorized transit options. Incentives for carpooling and telecommuting have been offered by local employers, helping to reduce vehicular traffic and its associated environmental impact. An electric vehicle (EV) charging station network is gradually expanding, though availability remains limited. The city recognizes the need for improved infrastructure to support the transition to EVs and is exploring funding opportunities. Freight transportation currently relies on diesel trucks, but the city aims to transition to cleaner alternatives. Despite these efforts, public transportation ridership could be higher, and there is an ongoing need to encourage the use of public over personal transportation.

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Waste management in Cloverport, KY, reflects an increasing commitment to efficiency and environmental sustainability. The city has launched a comprehensive recycling program that accepts a wide range of materials, reducing the quantity of waste sent to landfills. The local waste authority has introduced a single-stream recycling system, simplifying the process for residents and increasing participation rates. A 'Zero Waste by 2030' campaign has been established to reduce per capita waste through education and waste reduction strategies. Businesses are encouraged to minimize packaging and use biodegradable materials. The city has imposed strict regulations on industrial waste, ensuring proper disposal and treatment. Food waste composting programs are in place, though participation remains optional for households. Electronic waste collection events occur biannually, to safely process items such as computers and televisions. Cloverport has yet to develop a comprehensive hazardous waste disposal program, an area identified for future development.