Map/Michigan/Clinton Township

Clinton Township personalized incentives

total potential incentives/rebates $42,290

Disclaimer: Incentives are estimates and the customer will need to verify eligibility.

incentives & rebates

potential incentives/rebates in your city

Savings category Action Amount
TRANSPORTATION Car Dealers $7500
ENERGY Plumbing $840
ENERGY Plumbing $150
ENERGY Electrician $645
ENERGY Door and Window $15
ENERGY $7100
ENERGY Appliances & Repair $840
ENERGY Water Heater $3750
TRANSPORTATION Electrician $7100
ENERGY Pool & Hot Tub Service $400

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residential energy savings

Clinton Township

Clinton Township, located in Macomb County, Michigan, is a vibrant suburban community with a population of roughly 100,000 residents. Renowned for its parks, bustling economy, and family-friendly environment, the township is not an actual city, but Michigan's most populous 'charter township'. Its history dates back to the early 19th century, and it has since evolved into a key residential area in the Detroit metropolitan region, offering a blend of urban amenities and suburban tranquility.

incentives available in Clinton Township for...
energy icon


Clinton Township has made strides in energy efficiency through various initiatives. A key focus has been on residential and commercial energy audits, encouraging property owners to identify and rectify energy wastage. The township has seen an increase in the installation of energy-efficient appliances and LED lighting, supported by rebate programs for both homeowners and businesses. Solar energy adoption is growing, with several municipal buildings outfitted with solar panels, thanks to state and local incentives. The energy mix in the area continues to evolve, with a gradual shift toward renewable sources, including wind and solar, facilitated by Michigan’s Renewable Portfolio Standard. Additionally, the community has been proactive in educating its citizens about energy conservation methods through workshops and online platforms. Smart grid technology is being explored to further enhance energy efficiency and reliability.

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Water conservation in Clinton Township has received attention through the upgrade of municipal water infrastructure, reducing leaks and conserving this vital resource. The township has invested in water-efficient fixtures for public buildings, setting an example for residents. Landscape ordinances have been updated to promote xeriscaping and the use of native plants, which require less watering. Incentive programs for rain barrel use and rain gardens have been introduced to manage stormwater effectively while reducing the demand on the municipal water supply. Strict monitoring of industrial water use helps maintain efficiency and compliance with environmental standards. The public is regularly informed about water-saving tips and the importance of protecting the Clinton River watershed, which is crucial for maintaining the local water supply's sustainability and quality.

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Transportation efficiency in Clinton Township benefits from a well-maintained road network and continued investment in public transit. The SMART Bus service provides a reliable alternative to personal vehicles, reducing congestion and emissions, and has been extended to cover more routes. Through the 'Go Green' initiative, the township encourages carpooling and the use of electric vehicles (EVs) by increasing the number of EV charging stations. Efforts are underway to improve pedestrian and bicycle infrastructure, making non-motorized transport safer and more accessible. The township actively participates in regional planning to ensure transportation developments align with sustainability goals. A local shuttle service caters to seniors and those with disabilities, enhancing mobility within the community. Future plans involve exploring opportunities for integrating smart traffic management systems to further alleviate congestion and improve traffic flow.

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Waste management in Clinton Township has progressed with the implementation of comprehensive recycling programs. The curbside recycling service has been optimized to accept a wider range of materials, thus diverting more waste from landfills. A special emphasis has been placed on electronic waste recycling to tackle the growing issue of tech disposal. The township has also initiated a composting program that encourages residents to compost organic waste, decreasing methane emissions from landfills. Businesses have been incentivized to minimize waste through the 'WasteWise' program, which helps them adopt sustainable practices. Furthermore, the township has annual events for hazardous waste collection to ensure safe disposal and minimize environmental impact. Education campaigns are ongoing to increase community awareness and participation in waste reduction efforts.