
Cleveland personalized incentives

total potential incentives/rebates $37,455

Disclaimer: Incentives are estimates and the customer will need to verify eligibility.

incentives & rebates

potential incentives/rebates in your city

Savings category Action Amount
ENERGY $7100
TRANSPORTATION Car Dealers $7500
ENERGY Appliances & Repair $840
ENERGY Water Heater $4075
ENERGY Plumbing $840
TRANSPORTATION Electrician $7100

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residential energy savings


Cleveland, AL, is a small town in Blount County with a population of roughly 1,300. Known for its serene landscapes and rural charm, it serves as a gateway to the beautiful Locust Fork River, which is popular for fishing, canoeing, and kayaking. The town hosts the annual Covered Bridge Festival every October, celebrating its proximity to three historic covered bridges: the Swann Covered Bridge, Horton Mill Covered Bridge, and Easley Covered Bridge. The festival highlights the region's heritage and draws visitors with arts, crafts, and food vendors, paying homage to Cleveland's rich history and community spirit.

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energy icon


Cleveland, AL has been implementing measures aiming at improving energy efficiency throughout the community. The local government has introduced programs to encourage the adoption of LED lighting in both residential and commercial areas. Incentives are in place for energy-efficient home renovations, including weatherization and installation of energy-efficient appliances. The utility companies offer rebates for residents who install energy-efficient HVAC systems. Efforts are also being made to increase education around energy conservation practices among citizens. Solar panel installations have been incentivized, which has led to a moderate uptake of solar energy in the area, reducing dependence on fossil fuels. The town has also been exploring options for wind energy, though these developments are still in the early stages. Public buildings have been targeted for energy reduction, with some of them being upgraded with better insulation and energy management systems. The community is engaged in periodic energy audits to identify opportunities for further improvements. Overall, Cleveland's commitment to energy efficiency is growing, but continuous efforts are needed to maintain momentum and achieve substantial energy savings.

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Water conservation and efficiency are key concerns for Cleveland, AL. The town has promoted the use of low-flow fixtures and appliances through rebate programs that incentivize residents to replace older, less efficient models. Rainwater harvesting systems have also been encouraged to maximize the collection and use of rainwater for non-potable purposes. Cleveland has implemented tiered water pricing to encourage conservation, with higher rates for increased usage. Leak detection programs have been introduced to quickly address water loss in the municipal water supply system. A focus on maintaining and upgrading water infrastructure has led to the reduction of leaks and breaks in the water mains. The town's wastewater treatment plant has been upgraded for better efficiency and to ensure that the water released into the environment meets or exceeds regulatory standards. Stormwater management practices have been improved to reduce runoff and protect the local watershed. Educational initiatives highlight the importance of protecting water quality and preventing pollution from entering water bodies. Ongoing water quality monitoring and testing ensure a safe, reliable supply of drinking water for all residents.

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The transportation sector in Cleveland, AL has seen efforts to increase efficiency and sustainability. The town has been encouraging the use of alternative transportation modes, including biking and walking, by improving infrastructure like bike lanes and pedestrian paths. Public transportation options are limited, but there has been support for ride-share programs and carpooling to reduce the number of vehicles on the road. Incentives for electric vehicle (EV) ownership, such as tax credits and installation of charging stations, are contributing to a gradual shift towards cleaner transportation options. Cleveland's government has been updating its fleet to include hybrid and EVs where possible to set an example for the community. The town is also exploring the feasibility of implementing bus rapid transit (BRT) lines to provide an efficient and low-emission option for commuters. To manage traffic flow and reduce congestion, smart traffic management systems are being considered, which could also decrease transportation-related emissions. Schools and workplaces are encouraged to promote flexible schedules and telecommuting to reduce peak traffic volumes. Ongoing education campaigns are raising awareness about the environmental impact of transportation choices, encouraging residents to consider more sustainable options.

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Waste management in Cleveland, AL has seen a focus on optimizing efficiency and minimizing environmental impact. The town has implemented a robust recycling program that accepts a wide range of materials, with clear guidelines provided to residents to improve sorting and reduce contamination. A local composting initiative has been promoted to divert organic waste from landfills and convert it into useful compost for gardens and landscaping. The municipality has also organized regular hazardous waste collection events to safely dispose of items like batteries, electronics, and household chemicals, preventing improper disposal. In an effort to reduce waste at the source, Cleveland has been encouraging businesses to minimize packaging and use recyclable materials. Educational programs in schools and community centers are raising awareness about the importance of waste reduction and recycling. Local incentives for businesses that adopt sustainable waste practices have helped in increasing participation in waste reduction programs. Additionally, the town invests in modernizing waste collection and sorting facilities to enhance operational efficiency and minimize the carbon footprint of waste management operations.