
Clarkston personalized incentives

total potential incentives/rebates $38,805

Disclaimer: Incentives are estimates and the customer will need to verify eligibility.

incentives & rebates

potential incentives/rebates in your city

Savings category Action Amount
ENERGY Water Heater $4000
ENERGY Plumbing $840
TRANSPORTATION Electrician $7100
ENERGY Insulation $600
ENERGY $7100
TRANSPORTATION Car Dealers $7500
ENERGY Appliances & Repair $840

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residential energy savings


Clarkston, GA, known for its diversity, is a small city in DeKalb County with a population of about 13,000. It has been called the most diverse square mile in America, with residents from over 50 countries speaking 60+ languages. Refugees have been resettled in the area since the 1980s, transforming the local culture. The city is progressive with openly gay and refugee council members. Clarkston has a mix of small businesses, community gardens, and hosts annual cultural events celebrating its multicultural identity.

incentives available in Clarkston for...
energy icon


Clarkston, GA has been progressively working towards improving energy efficiency across the community. The local government has incentivized the adoption of renewable energy sources by offering tax breaks to homeowners who install solar panels. Additionally, there is a growing trend of energy-efficient LED street lighting that not only reduces the city's carbon footprint but also lowers municipal expenses. The city has also encouraged energy audits for residential and commercial buildings to identify opportunities for energy-saving improvements. The push for green building practices is evident in new construction projects, which are increasingly incorporating energy-efficient materials and design elements. Local businesses and schools have been part of the movement, with many transitioning to green energy solutions and implementing sustainability programs to reduce energy consumption. Community workshops on energy conservation and rebate programs for energy-efficient appliances have also contributed to the city’s overall energy efficiency efforts.

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Water conservation is a priority in Clarkston, where efforts to reduce water consumption and preserve water resources are in effect. The city has implemented a tiered water pricing structure to encourage conservation, with higher rates for greater water usage. Leak detection programs have been established to promptly address water loss within the municipal water system. Residents are encouraged to use water-efficient appliances through rebate programs, and the city has made investments in water-saving infrastructure, such as retrofitting public facilities with low-flow fixtures. Rainwater harvesting systems have been promoted among homeowners for garden and lawn maintenance. Public education campaigns on water conservation methods are ongoing, including tips for efficient water use at home and in businesses. The city also focuses on protecting the local watershed by maintaining strict controls over pollutants and utilizing green infrastructure to manage stormwater runoff effectively.

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Clarkston has taken steps to improve transportation efficiency and encourage sustainable transit options. The city has invested in expanding and improving public transportation services, making it more accessible and convenient for residents to use. There are incentives for carpooling and ride-sharing initiatives, reducing the number of single-occupancy vehicles on the road. Bicycle-friendly infrastructure, including the addition of bike lanes and secure bike parking facilities, has been developed to promote cycling as a green alternative to driving. The local government has also supported the introduction of electric vehicle (EV) charging stations, encouraging the adoption of EVs by residents. The pedestrian infrastructure has been enhanced to ensure safe and comfortable walking conditions, aiming to make walking a more attractive mode of transport. The city's efforts in promoting sustainable transportation have contributed to reduced traffic congestion and lowered greenhouse gas emissions.

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Waste management in Clarkston has seen significant strides with the introduction of comprehensive recycling programs designed to minimize landfill use and promote recycling and composting. The city has implemented a curbside recycling pickup service which accepts a wide range of materials, encouraging residents to recycle more. Educational initiatives have been launched to increase awareness about the importance of waste reduction and proper waste separation. Local businesses are participating in waste reduction by adopting sustainable packaging solutions and reducing single-use plastics. The city has also facilitated the setup of community composting hubs to divert organic waste from landfills. Clarkston's waste management policies include enforced regulations on waste disposal, and fines for non-compliance, which have led to an increase in proper waste sorting and disposal practices. The success of these initiatives is evident in the reduced volume of waste sent to landfills and the improved recycling rates.