
Carthage personalized incentives

total potential incentives/rebates $39,505

Disclaimer: Incentives are estimates and the customer will need to verify eligibility.

incentives & rebates

potential incentives/rebates in your city

Savings category Action Amount
ENERGY $7100
TRANSPORTATION Car Dealers $7500
ENERGY Appliances & Repair $840
ENERGY Water Heater $4725
ENERGY Plumbing $840
TRANSPORTATION Electrician $7100

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residential energy savings


Carthage, MO, known for its stunning Victorian architecture, is a city steeped in Civil War history. Famous for the Battle of Carthage and its Maple Leaf Festival, the town's Precious Moments Chapel and historic Route 66 allure visitors. The area's rich mining history and notable 19th-century courthouse underscore its cultural and historical significance. With its blend of Southern charm and Midwestern hospitality, Carthage offers a unique glimpse into America's past.

incentives available in Carthage for...
energy icon


In Carthage, MO, strides in energy efficiency have been recognized as a result of concerted efforts to modernize infrastructure and implement energy-saving programs. The city has invested in LED street lighting, significantly reducing energy consumption and maintenance costs while improving nighttime visibility. Local businesses and homeowners have been incentivized to retrofit with energy-efficient appliances and HVAC systems through utility rebate programs. A solar farm initiative has also been introduced, offering residents the option to tap into renewable energy without installing personal rooftop panels. The local utility company has been conducting energy audits for residential and commercial properties, providing tailored recommendations for energy conservation. Furthermore, community education on energy efficiency is carried out through workshops and school programs, empowering citizens with the knowledge to make energy-wise decisions. Partnerships with environmental organizations have also been pivotal in promoting sustainable energy practices within Carthage.

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Carthage, MO has been proactive in ensuring water efficiency and quality. The modernization of the water treatment facility has increased its capacity and efficiency, reducing water loss and ensuring a continuous supply of clean water to residents. The introduction of smart metering systems enables precise monitoring of water usage and helps in the timely detection of leaks. Rainwater harvesting practices have been encouraged among homeowners and public buildings, decreasing the demand on the municipal water supply and promoting sustainable water use. Water-saving fixtures are required in new constructions and renovations, contributing to a decrease in overall water consumption. Educational programs in schools and public forums highlight the importance of water conservation and the methods by which every individual can contribute. Incentives for businesses that reduce water usage have spurred industrial water efficiency improvements. The city has also invested in the restoration of local water bodies to maintain the natural hydrological cycle, enhancing the ecological balance and recreational value of these resources.

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Transportation systems in Carthage, MO have evolved to become more efficient and environmentally friendly. The city has introduced more fuel-efficient public buses, reducing emissions and transportation costs. Cycling has been promoted through the development of dedicated bike lanes, making it safer and more convenient as a transportation alternative. Carthage also boasts a car-sharing program that has been well-received by residents, reducing the number of vehicles on the road and the resultant greenhouse gas emissions. Sidewalk improvements and pedestrian zones encourage walking, contributing to a healthier population and less traffic congestion. The city has provided incentives for electric vehicle (EV) ownership, including tax rebates and the expansion of the EV charging infrastructure. Transportation planning has aimed at reducing commute times and improving the connectivity between residential areas and businesses. The regional airport has also adopted more efficient practices, including the use of energy-efficient lighting and vehicles on its premises.

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Waste management in Carthage, MO has seen substantial improvements with the adoption of comprehensive recycling programs which have been expanded to include a wider range of materials including plastics, paper, glass, and metals. The curbside recycling service has increased participation rates, thus diverting a substantial amount of waste from the local landfill. A community composting program has been initiated to manage organic waste and provide residents with high-quality compost for gardening, further promoting circular waste practices. Special collection events for hazardous waste like electronics and batteries have been implemented to prevent improper disposal. The city has partnered with waste-to-energy plants to convert a portion of its non-recyclable waste into electricity. Educational campaigns on the importance of reducing, reusing, and recycling have been effective in shaping the community's approach to waste. Local businesses are encouraged to adopt waste reduction strategies and the city has invested in better waste data management systems to track progress and identify areas for improvement.