
Birmingham personalized incentives

total potential incentives/rebates $37,455

Disclaimer: Incentives are estimates and the customer will need to verify eligibility.

incentives & rebates

potential incentives/rebates in your city

Savings category Action Amount
ENERGY $7100
TRANSPORTATION Car Dealers $7500
ENERGY Appliances & Repair $840
ENERGY Water Heater $4075
ENERGY Plumbing $840
TRANSPORTATION Electrician $7100

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residential energy savings


Birmingham, AL, nicknamed "The Magic City," is renowned for its pivotal role in the civil rights movement. Established in 1871, it quickly became an industrial hub due to its rich iron ore resources. The city's historic landmarks include the Birmingham Civil Rights Institute and the 16th Street Baptist Church, the site of a tragic 1963 bombing. Today, Birmingham boasts a vibrant culinary scene and a growing tech sector, while preserving its historical significance and southern charm.

incentives available in Birmingham for...
energy icon


Birmingham, AL has made strides in improving energy efficiency, with a shift towards more sustainable practices. The city has embraced renewable energy sources, with solar panel installations on public buildings and incentives for residential uptake. Energy-efficient LED street lighting is widespread, reducing the city's carbon footprint. Local businesses have been encouraged to participate in energy-saving programs, contributing to the city’s sustainability goals. A partnership with energy providers offers home energy audits and rebates for energy-efficient appliances. Building codes in Birmingham now require higher energy efficiency standards, ensuring new constructions contribute to the overall reduction in energy consumption. The community is educated on the importance of energy conservation through various initiatives and workshops.

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Water efficiency in Birmingham, AL has improved, with the city investing in modernizing its water infrastructure to reduce leaks and conserve water. Initiatives such as the replacement of old pipes have helped to decrease water loss and improve the overall water distribution system. Water-saving appliances are promoted among residents through rebate programs. Rainwater harvesting is encouraged, with several community projects showcasing its benefits for landscaping and non-potable uses. Educational outreach about water conservation techniques is widespread, aiming to reduce per capita water usage. The city also monitors and regulates industrial water discharge to protect the water quality of local rivers and reservoirs. Infrastructure improvements have also mitigated the risk of contaminants affecting the water supply.

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Birmingham has focused on enhancing transportation efficiency by expanding public transit options and promoting alternative modes of transport. The city’s bus system has been updated with more energy-efficient buses, including the addition of electric and hybrid models. A bike-share program encourages residents and visitors to use bicycles for short trips, easing traffic congestion and reducing emissions. Infrastructure improvements have been made to accommodate cyclists and pedestrians, with the addition of new bike lanes and sidewalks. Ride-sharing services are supported, and carpooling is recommended through various community initiatives. The city is also exploring the feasibility of more robust mass transit solutions, including light rail, to connect high-density areas and reduce reliance on individual car usage. Incentives for using electric vehicles, such as EV charging stations, are becoming more widespread.

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Birmingham is actively improving waste management through recycling programs and waste reduction initiatives. The city has a comprehensive curbside recycling program that accepts a variety of materials, promoting community participation. Local government also supports electronic waste recycling to prevent hazardous substances from contaminating landfills. Campaigns targeting the reduction of single-use plastics have led to an increase in reusable bag usage. Businesses, especially in the food service industry, are encouraged to minimize waste through composting and are provided with resources to do so. Educational programs about waste sorting and reduction are regularly conducted in schools and community centers. Yard waste is collected and turned into compost, which is then made available to residents for gardening purposes.