
Bettendorf personalized incentives

total potential incentives/rebates $41,980

Disclaimer: Incentives are estimates and the customer will need to verify eligibility.

incentives & rebates

potential incentives/rebates in your city

Savings category Action Amount
ENERGY $7100
ENERGY Appliances & Repair $100
TRANSPORTATION Car Dealers $7500
ENERGY Appliances & Repair $840
ENERGY Appliances & Repair $100
ENERGY Water Heater $4400
ENERGY Plumbing $840
TRANSPORTATION Electrician $7100

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residential energy savings


Bettendorf, IA, part of the Quad Cities, was founded in 1903. With a population of around 35,000, it's known for its strong school system, growing economy, and quality of life. Key attractions include the Family Museum and Palmer Hills Golf Course. The city has also been recognized as one of the fastest-growing areas in Iowa, showcasing a blend of residential charm and business development.

incentives available in Bettendorf for...
energy icon


Bettendorf, IA has been actively working on improving its energy efficiency with initiatives focused on reducing energy consumption in its residential and commercial sectors. The city promotes energy-efficient building codes and encourages retrofits of existing buildings with incentives for energy-efficient appliances and lighting. The local utility companies offer various programs for energy audits and rebates for customers who implement energy-saving measures. Moreover, Bettendorf participates in community-wide energy challenges to promote awareness and engagement in energy conservation. The city also supports the adoption of renewable energy sources, with solar panel installations evident on public buildings and homes. There are tax credits and rebates available for residents and businesses that install solar systems. Energy education programs are in place to inform the public about the benefits of energy efficiency and renewable energy, fostering a culture of sustainability within the community.

energy icon


Water conservation and efficiency are critical aspects of Bettendorf, IA's sustainability efforts. The city has implemented a water conservation program that includes regular monitoring of water usage and fixing leaks in the municipal water system to prevent wastage. Residents are encouraged to use water-efficient fixtures and appliances, supported by rebate programs for high-efficiency toilets and showerheads. There is also a strong focus on smart landscaping practices, such as the use of native plants and rain gardens, to reduce the need for irrigation. The city has invested in infrastructure to capture and reuse stormwater, reducing the reliance on treated water for non-potable uses. Education initiatives like workshops and school programs are conducted to raise awareness about water conservation. Bettendorf also actively manages its watershed to ensure the longevity and purity of its water sources.

energy icon


Bettendorf, IA has been making strides to enhance transportation efficiency and reduce the carbon footprint of local travel. The city has expanded bike lanes and made improvements to pedestrian walkways to encourage non-motorized transport. There is a public transit system in place that has been optimized for efficiency with the addition of hybrid and electric buses to reduce emissions. Commuter programs have been established to promote carpooling and reduce single-occupancy vehicle use. Bettendorf also supports the use of electric vehicles (EVs) by installing several EV charging stations throughout the city, providing convenient charging options for residents. Transportation planning in the city incorporates a sustainable approach that aims to reduce congestion and improve air quality. Initiatives such as 'Complete Streets' ensure that transportation infrastructure is safe and accessible for all users, including cyclists, pedestrians, and public transit riders.

energy icon


Waste management in Bettendorf, IA is characterized by a robust recycling program that aims to minimize landfill use and encourage recycling and composting. The curbside recycling service accepts a wide variety of materials, and the city has implemented a single-stream recycling system to simplify the process for residents. Special waste collection events are organized to properly dispose of hazardous materials such as electronics and batteries. The city also promotes the use of composting bins, providing residents with resources and information on how to compost at home. Businesses are encouraged to participate in waste reduction efforts through waste audits and tailored recycling programs. Incentives are in place for organizations that show significant efforts in waste reduction strategies. Education campaigns focus on the importance of reducing, reusing, and recycling, with schools actively participating in these initiatives.