Map/Michigan/Bad Axe

Bad Axe personalized incentives

total potential incentives/rebates $42,290

Disclaimer: Incentives are estimates and the customer will need to verify eligibility.

incentives & rebates

potential incentives/rebates in your city

Savings category Action Amount
TRANSPORTATION Car Dealers $7500
ENERGY Plumbing $840
ENERGY Plumbing $150
ENERGY Electrician $645
ENERGY Door and Window $15
ENERGY $7100
ENERGY Appliances & Repair $840
ENERGY Water Heater $3750
TRANSPORTATION Electrician $7100
ENERGY Pool & Hot Tub Service $400

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residential energy savings

Bad Axe

Bad Axe, MI, is a small city in Huron County and serves as its county seat. With a population of around 3,000, it is known for its rich agricultural heritage. Named after a distinctive axe found by surveyors in 1861, the city is a hub for the surrounding farming community and hosts the annual Huron Community Fair. Its main street is lined with local businesses, reflective of its tight-knit community spirit. Despite its small size, Bad Axe offers a blend of rural charm and essential amenities, making it a standout in Michigan's Thumb region.

incentives available in Bad Axe for...
energy icon


Bad Axe, MI, has shown commitment to energy efficiency with initiatives focusing on both residential and commercial sectors. The city has adopted energy-efficient building codes, encouraging new construction to incorporate advanced insulation, energy-efficient windows, and energy star appliances. Local utility companies offer incentives for energy audits and rebates for customers who upgrade to more efficient HVAC systems. Solar panel installations have been on the rise due to federal tax credits and net metering policies, allowing homeowners to sell excess power back to the grid. Community solar projects have also gained traction, providing access to renewable energy for those unable to install panels on their properties. The city's street lighting has been updated to LED technology, reducing municipal energy consumption significantly. An awareness campaign on energy conservation practices has led to a measurable decrease in household energy use. However, opportunities remain for further improvement, particularly in the adoption of smart grid technology and electric vehicle charging infrastructure.

energy icon


Water efficiency initiatives in Bad Axe have focused on sustainable water use and infrastructure upgrades. The city has implemented a tiered water-pricing system to encourage conservation, with higher rates for excessive water use. Leak detection and repair programs have been successful in reducing water loss within the municipal supply system. Incentives are provided for residents to install water-saving devices such as low-flow toilets and showerheads. Rain barrel distribution and rain garden installations have been promoted to capture stormwater runoff for non-potable uses. An educational campaign on water conservation techniques has been effective in schools and community centers. While the city's water treatment plant has made strides in efficiency and resource recovery, ongoing investment and upgrades are necessary to handle increasing demand and to continue to reduce the per capita water footprint.

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Transportation efficiency in Bad Axe has seen considerable improvements with efforts to optimize public transit and encourage alternative transportation methods. The city has invested in hybrid and electric buses for its public transportation fleet, reducing emissions and fuel consumption. Bike-share programs and the expansion of bike lanes have made cycling a more viable option for residents. A ride-sharing platform for carpooling has been introduced to decrease the number of vehicles on the road, especially during peak hours. The city has also been exploring the feasibility of pedestrian-only zones in certain high-traffic areas to promote walking and reduce vehicular congestion. Parking policies have been revised to encourage the use of eco-friendly vehicles, providing reserved parking for electric and hybrid cars. Despite these improvements, continued efforts are needed to enhance the local public transit system’s coverage and schedule frequency to better serve the community’s needs.

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Waste management efficiency in Bad Axe has progressed through the implementation of a robust recycling program that accepts paper, plastics, metals, and glass. The curbside pick-up program has been optimized with single-stream recycling, simplifying the process for residents and increasing participation rates. Local businesses are encouraged to minimize waste through a waste reduction rewards program, offering tax incentives for those who achieve significant waste diversion from landfills. A city-sponsored hazardous waste disposal program ensures safe handling of items like batteries, electronics, and household chemicals. A composting initiative, supported by educational outreach, has decreased organic waste in landfills and provided the community with nutrient-rich soil for gardening. The city has also recently launched a pilot program for electronic waste recycling, addressing the growing need for e-waste management solutions.