
Atchison personalized incentives

total potential incentives/rebates $37,130

Disclaimer: Incentives are estimates and the customer will need to verify eligibility.

incentives & rebates

potential incentives/rebates in your city

Savings category Action Amount
ENERGY $7100
TRANSPORTATION Car Dealers $7500
ENERGY Appliances & Repair $840
ENERGY Water Heater $3750
ENERGY Plumbing $840
TRANSPORTATION Electrician $7100

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residential energy savings


Atchison, KS, founded in 1854, is a quaint riverside city known as the birthplace of Amelia Earhart. With a population of around 10,000, this historic town features beautiful Victorian architecture, the much-visited International Forest of Friendship, and the annual Amelia Earhart Festival. It serves as a regional hub for culture and history in northeastern Kansas, boasting a thriving community spirit and picturesque landscapes along the banks of the Missouri River.

incentives available in Atchison for...
energy icon


Atchison, Kansas has made strides in energy efficiency through investments in sustainable energy sources and energy conservation programs. The city has implemented initiatives to encourage the adoption of renewable energy, with solar and wind energy solutions steadily increasing. Local incentives, such as tax rebates for energy-efficient appliances and subsidies for solar panel installations, have encouraged residents to reduce energy consumption. The adoption of LED street lighting has reduced municipal energy costs and carbon footprint. Residential and commercial energy audits are commonplace, providing tailored recommendations for improving energy efficiency within buildings. The city's partnership with utility companies has resulted in competitive rates for green energy options. Energy education programs in schools and community centers have raised awareness about the importance of energy conservation. Moreover, the local government's commitment to retrofitting public buildings with energy-saving technologies is setting an example for private property owners to follow suit.

energy icon


Water conservation in Atchison is a priority, with several initiatives aimed at efficient water use and protection of water resources. The city has updated its water infrastructure, reducing leaks and conserving substantial amounts of water. Rainwater harvesting systems are encouraged among homeowners, with incentives such as reduced water bills for those who install such systems. Atchison's water treatment facilities have been upgraded to ensure that the water supply is clean and sustainable. Educational campaigns on water conservation techniques have been disseminated to households, encouraging behaviors like fixing leaks and installing low-flow fixtures. The city has implemented tiered water pricing to motivate lower consumption. Parks and public spaces utilize drought-resistant landscaping to minimize irrigation needs. The local government works closely with agricultural businesses to adopt water-saving irrigation practices, preserving the area's vital water reserves.

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Transportation efficiency in Atchison has seen improvements through the adoption of multi-modal transport systems and infrastructure enhancements. The city has invested in expanding and maintaining its network of bicycle lanes, making cycling a safer and more attractive mode of transportation. Public transportation options have been optimized for better efficiency, with routes and schedules designed to meet commuter needs and reduce vehicle emissions. A local shuttle service provides an important connection for residents, particularly for those without access to personal vehicles. Car-share programs and electric vehicle charging stations have been introduced, incentivizing the use of electric and shared vehicles. Atchison's walkability has been a focus, with the development of pedestrian-friendly sidewalks and crosswalks throughout the city. Efforts to reduce traffic congestion include synchronization of traffic signals and encouragement of carpooling among residents. These initiatives not just ease the movement of people but also contribute to reduced greenhouse gas emissions and a healthier environment.

energy icon


Waste management in Atchison has progressed with an emphasis on reducing, reusing, and recycling. The city has expanded its curbside recycling program, accepting a wide range of materials, which has significantly diverted waste from landfills. There are robust composting programs that turn organic waste into valuable compost for local parks and gardens. Atchison promotes a community-wide clean-up initiative annually, with volunteers actively participating in litter reduction and beautification efforts. The local government incentivizes businesses that practice waste reduction strategies by offering recognition and support programs. Educational programs have been introduced in schools to teach the importance of waste hierarchy. The city's waste disposal facility has upgraded to more efficient technologies, ensuring environmentally responsible waste treatment and management. A special focus has been placed on hazardous waste collection events to prevent improper disposal of items like electronics and batteries.