
Anniston personalized incentives

total potential incentives/rebates $37,455

Disclaimer: Incentives are estimates and the customer will need to verify eligibility.

incentives & rebates

potential incentives/rebates in your city

Savings category Action Amount
ENERGY $7100
TRANSPORTATION Car Dealers $7500
ENERGY Appliances & Repair $840
ENERGY Water Heater $4075
ENERGY Plumbing $840
TRANSPORTATION Electrician $7100

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residential energy savings


Anniston, AL, founded in 1872 by industrialists Samuel Noble and Daniel Tyler, is known for its rich history and cultural assets. The city, once a center for the iron industry, now boasts the Berman Museum and the Anniston Museum of Natural History. It faced environmental issues due to PCB contamination, leading to significant cleanup efforts. The city served as a training site at Fort McClellan for the Women's Army Corps. Anniston also features the Coldwater Mountain Bike Trail, attracting outdoor enthusiasts.

incentives available in Anniston for...
energy icon


Anniston, AL, has taken significant strides in improving energy efficiency through various initiatives and programs. The city's efforts have included upgrades to public buildings with LED lighting and high-efficiency HVAC systems, reducing municipal energy consumption. Local businesses are encouraged to participate in energy-saving programs, such as Alabama Power's Smart Financing, which provides financing for energy efficiency improvements. Residents have access to incentives for home energy audits and upgrades, like the AlabamaWISE program, promoting energy efficiency in households. The city has also seen an increase in solar panel installations thanks to tax incentives and declining costs, contributing to a greener energy mix. Energy education programs are available to schools and community groups, aimed at fostering a culture of energy conservation. The Anniston community is gradually adopting electric vehicles, supported by a growing network of charging stations, further underpinning the city's commitment to reducing its carbon footprint and enhancing energy sustainability.

energy icon


Anniston has made considerable progress in water efficiency through the adoption of water-saving technologies and public awareness campaigns. The city's water treatment facilities have been upgraded, which has reduced energy consumption and improved water quality. Leak detection and repair programs are in place to minimize water loss in the distribution system. Residents are encouraged to use water-efficient fixtures and appliances with the help of rebate programs. Low-impact development practices are promoted to reduce runoff and enhance groundwater recharge. Rain barrel distribution events and rain garden workshops educate citizens on harvesting rainwater and sustainable landscaping. Drought-tolerant native plant landscaping is encouraged to minimize irrigation requirements. The city has implemented tiered water pricing to discourage excessive water use and incentivize conservation. Anniston's efforts to protect local watersheds and aquatic habitats are part of a broader strategy to ensure a sustainable water supply for future generations.

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Transportation efficiency in Anniston benefits from initiatives aimed at reducing traffic congestion and promoting alternative transportation modes. The city has improved its public transit system to provide more efficient and reliable bus services. Bike lanes and pedestrian paths have been expanded, making non-motorized transit a more viable option for residents. Rideshare programs and carpooling incentives are promoted to decrease single-occupancy vehicle trips. Local companies are encouraged to adopt telecommuting policies, which has led to a reduction in commuter traffic. The city's strategic location as a nexus on the I-20 corridor is optimized with efficient traffic management systems and freight movement plans. Electric vehicle adoption is supported through the installation of additional charging stations and the promotion of EV-friendly policies. Anniston's 'Safe Routes to School' program makes it easier and safer for children to walk or bike to school, fostering healthy habits and reducing reliance on automobiles. The city is also exploring the feasibility of incorporating smart transportation technologies to further enhance traffic efficiency and reduce environmental impact.

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Waste management in Anniston has become more efficient with the city's rigorous recycling and waste reduction programs. The curbside recycling service provided by the city allows for the convenient recycling of paper, cardboard, plastics, and metals, thereby diverting a substantial amount of waste from landfills. The Anniston's Household Hazardous Waste Collection event enables safe disposal of hazardous materials, preventing potential contamination. Local businesses are part of the commercial recycling program, which helps to reduce the corporate environmental footprint. The city's 'Clean and Green' initiative encourages community participation in litter reduction and environmental beautification projects. Anniston has also invested in waste-to-energy technologies to convert non-recyclable waste into electricity, which minimizes landfill usage and produces renewable energy. Landfill gas capture and conversion have become part of the city's waste management strategy, turning a waste byproduct into a useful energy source. The city promotes composting through educational programs and provides resources to residents who wish to compost organic waste at home, further decreasing the volume of waste sent to landfills.