
Altadena personalized incentives

total potential incentives/rebates $59,885

Disclaimer: Incentives are estimates and the customer will need to verify eligibility.

incentives & rebates

potential incentives/rebates in your city

Savings category Action Amount
TRANSPORTATION Car Dealers $25750
ENERGY Plumbing $30
ENERGY Appliances & Repair $65
ENERGY Plumbing $840
ENERGY Plumbing $620
ENERGY Electrician $1860
ENERGY $7100
ENERGY Appliances & Repair $65
ENERGY Appliances & Repair $840
ENERGY Water Heater $4690
TRANSPORTATION Electrician $7100
ENERGY Pool & Hot Tub Service $250

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residential energy savings


Altadena, CA, nestled in the foothills of the San Gabriel Mountains, is known for its scenic beauty and rich history. With a population of about 42,777, this unincorporated area of Los Angeles County boasts the world-famous Christmas Tree Lane, the historic Mount Lowe Railway, and the annual Altadena Town & Country Club's Fourth of July fireworks display. It's a diverse community filled with stunning architecture, including numerous Craftsman-style homes, and is a haven for outdoor enthusiasts, offering easy access to hiking and horseback riding trails. Established in 1887, Altadena has maintained its unique charm and continues to be a sought-after residential area with a strong sense of community pride.

incentives available in Altadena for...
energy icon


Altadena, CA is actively working towards improving energy efficiency throughout the community. Solar installations have become increasingly common in residential areas, with many homeowners taking advantage of state incentives and net metering policies. The Altadena Energy Efficiency Program has been successful in encouraging the retrofitting of homes and businesses with energy-saving appliances and LED lighting. The community has embraced the use of energy-efficient technologies and practices, including participation in demand response programs offered by utilities. Altadena's commitment to green energy is evident in its support for community solar projects and workshops on energy conservation. Public buildings have been updated with energy-efficient HVAC systems, and several have installations of solar panels on their roofs. Local schools have incorporated energy efficiency and sustainability into their curricula, raising awareness among the younger generation. The neighborhood has shown a significant drop in average energy consumption per household as a result of these combined efforts. Additionally, there has been a push for the adoption of electric and hybrid vehicles within the community to reduce fossil fuel dependence. Overall, Altadena continues to strive for a reduction in its carbon footprint through a mix of community action, incentive programs, and the promotion of renewable energy sources.

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Water efficiency is a critical issue in Altadena, CA, due to the region's semi-arid climate and periodic drought conditions. The community has undertaken significant efforts to promote water conservation. Residential water use has been targeted with programs incentivizing the installation of low-flow fixtures and drought-resistant landscaping. The Water-Smart Altadena initiative provides resources and rebates for homeowners to replace turf with native plants and implement efficient irrigation systems. Rainwater harvesting is becoming more popular, with many homes installing rain barrels to collect water for landscaping use. The Altadena Water District has invested in upgrading its infrastructure to reduce leaks and ensure the efficient delivery of water. Water-wise educational programs are regularly offered to increase resident awareness of the need to conserve, including tips on reducing water usage in daily activities. Reclaimed water use for irrigation of public spaces has expanded, lessening the dependency on potable water for landscaping. The community has also seen the development of green infrastructure, like permeable pavements and bioswales, to enhance groundwater recharge. Altadena's approach to water efficiency has proven effective, with measurable decreases in per capita water consumption and a stronger community commitment to sustainable water use practices.

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Transportation efforts in Altadena, CA have been focused on reducing traffic congestion and lowering transportation-related emissions. The community promotes alternative transportation methods, such as biking and walking, by maintaining and expanding a network of bike lanes and pedestrian paths. The Altadena Local Shuttle Service provides a low-cost, eco-friendly transportation option for residents. This service, along with regional transit connections, helps to reduce the number of cars on the road. The introduction of bike-share programs and the installation of bike racks throughout the town center encourage more residents to consider cycling for short trips. Altadena has seen an uptick in electric vehicle (EV) usage, supported by the installation of additional EV charging stations in public areas and shopping districts. Rideshare programs and carpool incentives are also promoted as a means to minimize single-occupancy vehicle use. Efforts are underway to improve traffic flow and reduce idling through smart traffic management systems. The Safe Routes to School program is active in encouraging children and parents to use more sustainable transportation modes for their daily commute to school. Overall, Altadena's transportation strategy aims to create a more connected, efficient, and environmentally friendly transportation system for all its residents.

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In Altadena, CA, waste reduction and recycling efforts have been ramped up to manage waste more sustainably. The community has implemented a comprehensive curbside recycling program that accepts a wide range of materials, including plastics, paper, glass, and metals. A significant investment has been made in public education campaigns to increase awareness about proper waste sorting and the importance of recycling. Local businesses are encouraged to minimize waste through the Altadena Waste-Free Initiative, which promotes strategies like composting and reusable packaging. The 'Zero Waste Altadena' plan has set ambitious goals to divert a large percentage of waste from landfills. Residents have access to hazardous waste disposal services to ensure items like batteries and electronics are disposed of safely. The community has seen a notable increase in its recycling rate over recent years, thanks to these initiatives. Yard waste is collected separately and turned into compost, which is then made available to the public. The local government has partnered with waste management companies to implement more efficient routes for waste collection trucks, reducing emissions and fuel consumption. Altadena's dedication to waste reduction is further demonstrated in community-led clean-up events and the establishment of local repair cafes to extend the life of goods.