
Aiea personalized incentives

total potential incentives/rebates $37,130

Disclaimer: Incentives are estimates and the customer will need to verify eligibility.

incentives & rebates

potential incentives/rebates in your city

Savings category Action Amount
ENERGY $7100
TRANSPORTATION Car Dealers $7500
ENERGY Appliances & Repair $840
ENERGY Water Heater $3750
ENERGY Plumbing $840
TRANSPORTATION Electrician $7100

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residential energy savings


Aiea, HI, located in Honolulu County, is a residential community known for the Aloha Stadium and Pearlridge Center, Oahu's largest enclosed shopping mall. Overlooking Pearl Harbor, Aiea is steeped in WWII history and offers a blend of urban living and island charm. The area boasts lush landscapes, including the Aiea Loop Trail with panoramic views. With a population of around 9,338, it's a hub for Hawaiian culture and suburban life.

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energy icon


Aiea, Hawaii, has been actively working towards improving its energy efficiency through various initiatives. Solar power is prevalent, with many residential and commercial buildings taking advantage of Hawaii's abundant sunshine to install photovoltaic panels. The push for renewable energy is in part due to the state's commitment to becoming energy independent and reducing its reliance on imported fossil fuels. Energy efficiency programs in Aiea also encourage retrofitting older buildings with energy-efficient appliances and LED lighting. The Hawaii Energy Efficiency Program provides incentives for residents and businesses to upgrade their energy usage practices, thus contributing to a reduction in overall energy demand. Aiea's proximity to Honolulu allows it to benefit from shared resources, such as research into smart grid technology and battery storage solutions to manage the intermittent nature of solar and wind power. Electric vehicle (EV) charging stations are becoming more common, supporting the population's shift towards electric mobility. The state's Clean Energy Initiative has set ambitious goals to transition towards 100% renewable energy by 2045, and Aiea is contributing to this effort through local action, public awareness campaigns, and educational programs that highlight the importance of energy conservation and sustainable practices.

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Water conservation is a significant priority in Aiea, Hawaii, due to the island's limited freshwater resources. The Board of Water Supply oversees the management and distribution of potable water, implementing measures to ensure the long-term sustainability of water resources. Aiea benefits from watershed management practices that protect and restore natural forested areas, which are vital for aquifer recharge. The city promotes smart landscaping, also known as xeriscaping, which reduces the need for irrigation by utilizing native and drought-resistant plants. Rain barrels and other rainwater catchment systems are encouraged to collect and reuse rainwater for gardens and landscaping, helping to minimize the demand on municipal water supplies. Leak detection and repair programs are in place to address water loss in the distribution system, while the installation of low-flow fixtures in homes and businesses is incentivized to reduce water consumption. Educational outreach programs focus on the importance of water conservation, and the Board of Water Supply offers workshops on efficient water use. Rebate programs are available for water-saving devices, and there are strict regulations on water wastage, such as prohibitions on excessive irrigation and washing down hard surfaces. These efforts collectively contribute to a community-wide approach to efficient water use and conservation.

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Transportation efficiency in Aiea, Hawaii, has seen improvements with a focus on reducing congestion and lowering greenhouse gas emissions. The region is served by TheBus, Oahu's public bus service, which provides comprehensive coverage with routes connecting Aiea to various parts of the island. Efforts to enhance public transit include the expansion of bus fleets, improvements in service frequency, and the development of bus-only lanes to expedite travel times. Carpooling and ride-sharing are encouraged through programs and incentives such as high-occupancy vehicle (HOV) lanes and park-and-ride facilities, aimed at reducing the number of single-occupancy vehicles on the roads. The introduction of bike lanes and pedestrian pathways has made non-motorized transportation more accessible, contributing to a healthier, more active community, and reducing reliance on cars for short trips. The rail transit project, once completed, is expected to significantly improve connectivity between Aiea and Honolulu, offering an efficient and environmentally friendly alternative to driving. Infrastructure improvements to roads and highways aim to alleviate traffic bottlenecks and improve safety for all users. Initiatives supporting the adoption of electric vehicles (EVs) include tax incentives for EV purchases and the installation of additional charging stations, making it more convenient for residents to own and operate electric vehicles. These transportation strategies are part of the broader goal to create a sustainable transportation system that meets the needs of Aiea's growing population.

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Waste management in Aiea, Hawaii, emphasizes reduction, reuse, and recycling to mitigate environmental impacts. The community follows Oahu's integrated solid waste management plan, which incorporates recycling, green waste collection, and energy recovery through waste-to-energy facilities. Curbside recycling programs accept mixed recyclables, including paper, plastic, and metal, while community drop-off locations provide residents with a place to deposit glass and other items not picked up by curbside service. The city participates in the HI-5 beverage container redemption program, which incentivizes recycling of eligible drink containers through a refundable deposit system. Aiea also encourages composting of organic waste and the use of mulching to divert green waste from landfills. Businesses and residents are urged to participate in electronic waste recycling events to handle hazardous materials responsibly. Education on waste reduction is promoted through local schools and community programs, teaching the importance of decreasing waste at its source. The city has further campaigns to minimize single-use plastics and encourages the use of reusable shopping bags, containers, and utensils. Illegal dumping is combated with surveillance and enforcement, reflecting the community's commitment to maintaining a clean and healthy environment.