
Agat personalized incentives

total potential incentives/rebates $37,130

Disclaimer: Incentives are estimates and the customer will need to verify eligibility.

incentives & rebates

potential incentives/rebates in your city

Savings category Action Amount
ENERGY $7100
TRANSPORTATION Car Dealers $7500
ENERGY Appliances & Repair $840
ENERGY Water Heater $3750
ENERGY Plumbing $840
TRANSPORTATION Electrician $7100

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residential energy savings


Agat is a village located on the southwest coast of the U.S. territory of Guam. Known for its rich history, Agat played a significant role in WWII as a landing site for U.S. troops during the 1944 Battle of Guam. The village is also famed for its beautiful beaches, Agat Marina, and War in the Pacific National Historical Park. It is a hub of Chamorro culture, showcasing local traditions and cuisine, while offering visitors a glimpse into Guam's historical significance in the Pacific theater.

incentives available in Agat for...
energy icon


Agat, a village in Guam, has been progressively advancing its energy efficiency through various initiatives and upgrades. Efforts in renewable energy adoption, particularly solar panel installations, have seen a marked increase, as both residential and commercial entities look to capitalize on the abundant sunshine. This is supplemented by incentives for energy-efficient appliances and lighting, which have been well-received by the community. The Guam Power Authority continues to promote energy conservation programs and has made strides in modernizing the grid to reduce energy losses. Buildings are increasingly being constructed or retrofitted to meet higher energy efficiency standards. Moreover, public facilities have been targeted for energy-saving measures, which include the implementation of LED street lighting and solar-powered public infrastructure. Investments in energy storage systems are also on the rise, aimed at stabilizing the grid and ensuring consistent energy supply.

energy icon


Water efficiency in Agat benefits from the Guam Waterworks Authority's (GWA) continuous efforts to upgrade the water infrastructure. Investments in leak detection technology have led to a decrease in water loss, and water conservation awareness programs stress the importance of responsible usage. Rainwater harvesting systems are encouraged, and several rebates are offered for water-efficient appliances. GWA's proactive approach to maintaining and replacing aging pipes has mitigated water wastage. Educational outreach programs in schools and the wider community have been effective in promoting water-saving techniques. The island-wide wastewater treatment upgrades, including the Agat-Santa Rita Wastewater Treatment Plant, are vital in safeguarding water quality. Xeriscaping, using native and drought-resistant plants, is promoted to reduce irrigation needs.

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Agat's transportation efficiency is on an upward trajectory, supported by government investments in public transportation and infrastructure improvements. The Guam Regional Transit Authority (GRTA) has been enhancing its fleet with more fuel-efficient and reliable buses. Efforts to create a more pedestrian-friendly village include the construction of sidewalks and the improvement of existing pedestrian paths. Cycling has been promoted as a healthy and eco-friendly transportation alternative, with new bike lanes being introduced. Carpooling and ride-sharing are encouraged, reducing the number of vehicles on the road and the associated emissions. The port modernization project has improved cargo handling efficiency, reducing the carbon footprint associated with goods transportation. Electric vehicle (EV) usage is gaining traction, encouraged by the availability of EV charging stations and tax incentives for EV owners.

energy icon


Waste management in Agat has seen significant improvements with the implementation of robust recycling programs and the promotion of composting practices. The Zero Waste Plan initiative aims to minimize waste generation and encourages the reuse and recycling of materials. Electronic waste collection events are periodically organized, reflecting a growing environmental consciousness. Local businesses are incentivized to minimize waste through various programs, and there is an active push towards reducing single-use plastics. Household waste segregation is becoming more common, and the community has access to drop-off centers for recyclables. Educational campaigns on waste reduction have increased public awareness and participation. Furthermore, the Guam Environmental Protection Agency actively enforces waste management regulations, ensuring compliance and fostering a culture of responsibility towards waste handling.