Builder Shares HomeSelfe Energy Consumption Infographic

Builder Shares HomeSelfe Energy Consumption Infographic

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The popular Builder website shares important information about home design, financial options, building product options and other relative data for the residential construction industry. In a recent post, they shared a fact that home-based energy consumption is the third largest user of power in the United States. As a part of these rising utility rates, HomeSelfe reports 35% of energy consumed in and around a home is wasted.

Committed to saving consumers money on their power bills, makers of an energy saving app, HomeSelfe constructed an informative infographic showcasing “What Uses The Most Energy In Your Home” and shared it with Builder online.

The Top Ten

It’s probably no big surprise that heating and cooling costs top the list of the biggest users of energy inside our homes. Along with energy being used for our comfort, here’s the list of how power is being spent in our houses beginning with the largest draw first:

  1. Heating
  2. Air Conditioning and Cooling
  3. Water Heater
  4. Lighting
  5. Clothes Washer and Dryer
  6. Refrigerator
  7. Oven
  8. Television, DVD Players and Cable Boxes
  9. Dishwasher
  10. Computer

While many consumers are being more frugal about the settings on their thermostats when it comes to saving power, seeing these other big users of electricity may have us re-examining some of our daily habits.

Those long, hot showers, lights left on in empty rooms and washing less-than-full loads of laundry are some good examples. While use of these appliances and devices are often unavoidable, we can still think twice about how often they’re used and to what capacity.

To view the infographic and read Builder’s post in it’s entirety, please visit their website. Showcased in their “products” section, Builder highlights the HomeSelfe app as a way for homeowners to take control of their energy consumption and find ways to save power.
